Esperanto-Asocio de Skotlando


Friday, June 17, 2005

A few comments re the 100th Scottish Esperanto Congress

Longer Reports will appear in other places; and as I had an official role, it is difficult to be objective.

It is also difficult to avoid the compilation of a catalogue. However, I must say something about a unique event!

The first point is the incredible variety of the 30 item programme; the second is the almost uniformly high quality of almost every item; the third is the fact that the sun shone; the fourth is the friendly atmosphere; the fifth is the organisational genius of Jean Bisset the President of the Scottish Esperanto Association.

Is it necessary to emphasise that everything was conducted in Esperanto? Probably yes; for this phenomenom seems to surprise even well educated persons.

By definition 100th Scottish Esperanto Congresses take place rather infrequently; and the presence of World Esperanto President, Renato Corsetti from Rome, underlined this fact. However, being Scotland his titles were soon discarded; and he became Renato to everyone! There were participants from 9 countries: some of whom had been attracted to the event by the wonders of the Web. According to unofficial statistics about 65 persons took part; not all were experts; but the language standard was excellent; and I guess that everyone dreamed in Esperanto!

Now comes the subjective chronicle of what went on; apologies for omissions! The subjectivity cannot really be avoided!

Ed Robertson masterly analysed the achievement of Albert Goodheir when he translated from Greek and Latin. David Bisset stood outside the Largs Priory House Hotel and endeavoured to explain the topography of the islands and peninsulas which which could be seen from the hotel. After a lively buffet during which the centenary cake was cut by Renato Corsetti and Phyllis Goodheir, Renato lectured about the interesting phenomenon of children who have been brought up speaking Esperanto: the lingustic results are unexpected, and merit the study which the UEA President has devoted to the subject. The first day (Friday) ended with singing around the piano: often hilarious, but tradional in Esperanto circles.

Saturday was a cornucopic day: if such a word exists! Hugh Reid introduced John Francis, a member of the Scottish School (skota skolo) of Esperanto poetry. He rightly said that John had always tried to hide his warm humanity under a disguise of severity! John them spoke about the genesis and early days of the Scottish School: a contribution of historical importance. The theme of the School was continued by a pyrotechnic lecture by Paul Gubbins about Reto Rossetti, who was the Father of the School. The AGM of EAS did not shake the world, but progress is being made. Others went out to enjoy the sunshine and visit Vikingar, which explains the Viking role in Scotland's story. This theme was developed by Geoffrey Sutton; with erudicion and dry humour he lectured about the development of the Scandinavian languages. William Auld then appeared: not literally as he does not do much travelling now, but by means the declamation and singing of his works. Stephen Thompson performed most of this tribute with skill and wit. An unusual item was a reading from Bill's translation of Pickwick Papers: a translation which he did not complete because of infirmity. Permission to use the material was given by the Russian publishing house, Sezonoj. The next lecture was concerning Douglas Gregor, polyglot and polymath. It was the first lecture in Esperanto ever given by David Lilley. What an extraordinary debut! The participants were then (oficially!) allowed to escape: some took to the hills with Duncan Thompson; other had an architectural perambulation with David Bisset; the majority tasted the pleasures of Largs on a sunny day! The Congress Banquet was the sort of solemnity which Scots love: structured informality. Jane Gorman, the Depute Provost of North Ayrshire, welcomed the participants. It was a particular pleasure to hear her making good use of Scots! After the feast Renato surveyed the state of Esperanto in many countries: Dr. Zamenhof's incredible creation is alive and well in the most unexpecte places! The evening finished with contrasted guitar music from Connal and Duncan.

On Sunday the Congress moved across to the nearbyIsland of Cumbrae where all events took place in the Cathedral of the Isles and the adjacent College. The more energetic made a bicycle circuit of the small island for enjoyment and also to earn some money for the Esperanto charity EVIDENTE. Proffessor John Wells was so enthused that he made the circuit twice! While the cycle run was proceeding Norman Richardson lectured about the passenger ships of the Clyde Estuary. The factual knowledge if Esperantists is always a source of amazement. During the buffet lunch in the Cloisters, Esperanto wine, which is produced by a small chateau in the Garrigue, was enthusiasmically quaffed! An Ecumenical Sevice took place in the Cathedral guided by Revd Charles Dornan; the Alternative being led by Bill Simcock. These parallel events were followed by a lecture given by David Bisset in the Cathedral about the extraordinary origin of the building; its architect, William Butterfield; and its significance for the Oxford Movement. For those with other interests Duncan Thomson dexterously demonstrated the art of knot- making. The Cathedral was the sublime venue for a concert of classical music, poetry and songs. Stephen Thompson was the MC, and an important participant. The final item of the day on Cumbrae was a moving lecture by Marjorie Boulton about John Dinwoodie, the least known member of the Scottish School, and, in her opinion, one of the finest Esperanto Christian poets. The Congress then made its way back to the mainland where after dinner John Wells spoke about the planned changes in many national languages, and then concentrated upon the role of the Academy in the continuing evolution of Esperanto.

A surprising number of participants were still in Largs on the Monday morning to attend a fascinating forum led by David Kelso in which the opportunity was taken of asking Renato's opinion about multitudinous matters. Comments and supplementary questions from the floor were not lacking!

President Jean Bisset closed the 100th Congress with typical Scottish informality; then gave out words and music to ensure that La Espero was sung with suitable fervour.

After lunch 18 persons participated in an enthralling private visit to Kelburn Castle, the seat of the Earl of Glasgow. As Lord Glasgow's ancestor had built the Cathedral of the Isles on Cumbrae, this short Post-Kongreso was splendidly on theme!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Turisma flanko de la 100a skota kongreso de Esperanto

Principe EAS volas kuraĝigi homojn viziti Skotlandon, ĉar ni firme kredas, ke Skotlando estas historioplena kaj belega. Pro tio ne ne neglektas turismajn aferojn kiam ni kongresas: ekzemple, ni piediris en la montetoj; rondiris la urbon, Largs; iris al muzeo Vikingar; translokiĝis al la insulo Cumbrae por unu tago; kaj vizitis kastelon Kelburn.

Homoj venis el Anglio, Kimrio, Nord-Irlando, Irlanda Respubliko, Germanio, Italio, Nederlando, Pollando; kaj ankaŭ Skotlando mem!

Kelkaj alvenis antaŭ la kongreso; kelkaj restis poste.

Hodiaŭ niaj nederlandaj amikoj (kaj subtenantoj de multaj skotaj kongresoj) Mia kaj Sietze Kremer hejmeniris. Ĉu tio estis la fino de la neoficiala post-kongreso? Povus esti; sed eble kelkaj kongresanoj ankoraŭ kaŝiĝas en Skotlando!

Tial ni faris nian modestan ekonomian kaj kulturan kontribuon al skota turismo; kaj tio ni mencios al la turismaj instancoj!

Sukcesoplena 100a skota kongreso

Ĉirkaŭ 65 homoj el 9 landoj partoprenis la 4-tagan eventon. La suno brilis; kaj la panoramo de la okcidentaj insuloj kaj montetoj estis rava.

La nivelo de la prelegoj estis elstare alta; krokodiloj mankas; la etoso estis amikeca.

Dimanĉon ĉiuj aranĝoj okazis sur apuda insuleto en la Katedralo de la Insuloj. Estis aliaj ekskursoj al muzeo, kastelo, la urbo Largs, kaj apudaj montetoj.

Kulturo ne mankis: deklamado, klasika kaj popola muziko, dramo kaj kantado.

Kiel ĉiam oni bone manĝas!

Renatto Corsetti, prezidanto de UEA, enciklopie informis nin pri la monda bildo rilate al Esperanto.

Gratulon al Jean Bisset, prezidantino de la Esperanto-Asocio de Skotlando, kaj ĉefmotoro de la jubilea kongreso!

Monday, June 13, 2005

La skota prezidinto sendas dankojn!

Dankon al ĉiuj kiuj partoprenis la 100an skotan kongreson!

Dankon al ĉiuj kiuj kontribuis!

Jean J. Bisset

Monday, June 06, 2005

Multfaceta programo por 100a skota kongreso

Skota kongreso de Esperanto: 10 -13 junio 2005


Ĉeftemo: la skota skolo

Ĉefgasto: d-ro Renato Corsetti, prezidanto de UEA


1500 Kongresejo malfermiĝas

1600 Teo kaj biskvitoj

1630 Enkondukaj vortoj (Jean Bisset)

1645 Albert Goodheir, tradukisto (Ed Robertson)

1745 Orientiĝo (ekstere) ĉe la ankro (David Bisset)

1930 Bufeda manĝo kaj tranĉado de Jubilea Kuko

2030 Reguligo de regula lingvo – denaska akirado de Esperanto!

(Renato Corsetti)

2130 Kantado ĉirkaŭ la piano (Mairé Mckay kaj Mike Seaton)


0945 Hugh Reid enkondukos John Francis

1000 Anekdotoj pri la Skota Skolo (John Francis)

1030 Reto Rossetti (Paul Gubbins)

1115 Kafo

1145 Vizito al Vikingar

1145 Jarkunveno de EAS

1345 Lunĉeto

1430 Aspektoj de la skandinaviaj lingvoj de la pratempo ĝis hodiaŭ

(Geoffrey Sutton)

1515 Deklamado kaj kantado por honorigi William Auld

(Stephen Thompson kaj aliaj)

1600 DB Gregor (David Lilley)

1645 Monteta promenado (Duncan Thomson)

1645 Malstreĉiĝo en Largs

1745 Urba promenado (David Bisset)

1930 Bankedo (vicurbestro Jane Gorman bonvenigos nin)

2100 Festparolado: Pri la stato de Esperanto en la mondo

(Renato Corsetti)

2200 Verda Kabaredo: Connal, Duncan, Hugh kaj Jan.


Pramŝipe al insulo Cumbrae; kaj laŭvola rondiro de la insulo bicikle

Bonvolu rigardi la Praktikajn Aranĝojn

K = Katadralo

KL = Klostro

B = Bibioteko de la Katedralo

1100 La Pasaĝeraj ŝipoj de la rivero Clyde (Norman Richardson: Biblioteko: B)

1145 Kvizeto (B)

1230 Lunĉo (KL)

1330 Diservo (p-ro Charles Dornan: K)

1330 Alternativa programero (Bill Simcock: B)

1430 Nekonata arkitektura majstraĵo (David Bisset: K)

1430 Nodoj (Duncan Thomson: B)

1515 Koncerto: Stephen Thompson kaj aliaj (K)

Gastoj: Karine Davison kaj Alastair Chisholm

Manĝetaĵoj je la fino

1630 John Dinwoodie (Marjorie Boulton: K)

1730 Reiro al Largs

1930 Tagmanĝo en Priory House Hotel, Largs

2100 Rolo de la Akademio (John Wells)

2200 Monologo (David Kelso)


1015 Forumo (Renato Corsetti) estrata de David Kelso

1130 Ĝis Revido!

1200 Lunĉo

1345 Ekskurso al kastelo Kelburn, sidejo de grafo Glasgow

1700 Reiro al la hotelo

Espereble la 100a skota kongreso plaĉis al vi; bonvolu meti la datojn de aliaj skotaj eventoj en via taglibro:

Studrondo, Dunblane: 3 – 4 septembro 2005

(Hugh Reid: 01357 523949)

Zamenhof-festo, Aberdour: 3 decembro, 2005

(David Hannah: 01383 860877)

101a Skota Kongreso, Stirling: 2 – 5 junio, 2006

(Diana Richardson: 01698 816341)

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Why Esperanto is the talk of Largs

An article about Esperanto was published in the Scottish edition of the Sunday Times today.

It was written by Adrian Turpin, and involved interviews and research. It contains a few minor errors, and there are some points which one could dispute; but it is well written and serious.

These articles usually disappear from the Web quickly and are transferred to archives which require a fee to gain access; so have a look ASAP!

The context self-evidently was the 100th Scottish Congress.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Using Esperanto in a foreign pub

A journalist recently remarked to me that it seemed to him that Esperanto could not be used in other countries with the same ease as national languages. For instance, he doubted if Esperanto would be useful in a pub or its equivalent.

In some ways what he said is undeniably true.

However, there are important caveats. In most overseas establishments buying a beer would be usually possible; a smattering of the local language would be useful; there could be expats from one's own country or fellow-tourists.

Apart from that conversation would not really be particularly profound; in fact, many people would be reluctant to enter into a conversation about what makes their country tick: tourists do not usually wish or expect to get into that type of conversation.

Esperanto-speakers require searching out (although some appear without bidding); but when they are found they expect a vigorous discussion about their country - and yours too! That is what Esperanto is all about.

I have returned from many countries having learned nothing from the locals (nor have they learned anything from me!); but an encounter with an Esperantist is like attending a short course in a university!

These encounters have a unique dynamic: you have met a Pole or Spaniard or Mongolian; but they also belong to that unique country called Esperanto-land!