Using Esperanto in a foreign pub
A journalist recently remarked to me that it seemed to him that Esperanto could not be used in other countries with the same ease as national languages. For instance, he doubted if Esperanto would be useful in a pub or its equivalent.
In some ways what he said is undeniably true.
However, there are important caveats. In most overseas establishments buying a beer would be usually possible; a smattering of the local language would be useful; there could be expats from one's own country or fellow-tourists.
Apart from that conversation would not really be particularly profound; in fact, many people would be reluctant to enter into a conversation about what makes their country tick: tourists do not usually wish or expect to get into that type of conversation.
Esperanto-speakers require searching out (although some appear without bidding); but when they are found they expect a vigorous discussion about their country - and yours too! That is what Esperanto is all about.
I have returned from many countries having learned nothing from the locals (nor have they learned anything from me!); but an encounter with an Esperantist is like attending a short course in a university!
These encounters have a unique dynamic: you have met a Pole or Spaniard or Mongolian; but they also belong to that unique country called Esperanto-land!
jen unu da plej kutima miskomprenoj pri la internacia lingvo (almenaux cxe neesperantistoj): ke oni ne povas uzi gxin tiel kiel ia ajn alia lingvo. kompreneble oni povas uzi esperanton -- kaj uzi tre bone -- cxe trinkejo, cxe stadiono de futbalo, ecx cxe dormcxambro, mallonge cxe ie ajn, kondicxe ke via konversacikunulo ankaux parolas esperanton.
plie, ni konsideru momente la aroganteco de tiu jxurnalisto kiu opinias tiel auxtoritate pri lingvo kiu li sendube nekonas aux almenaux malkomprenas. mi dubas ke li iam prenis la tempon por lerni ecx du aux tri esperantvortojn, tamen li parolas kvazaux li estus specialisto pri tiu lingvo.
kurioza afero! cxu ekzistas alian lingvon kiu oni kalumnias tiel facile kiel esperanto? cxu la navajo? cxu la wolof? mi dubas!
du, suficxas farigi min rauxmiston!
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