Bill Auld obituary in Daily Telegraph
We thought the Telegraph intended to publish a major obituary of Bill.
Here it is; and it is reasonably accurate.
However, the claim that Bill founded the American Esperanto movement would have amused him!
We thought the Telegraph intended to publish a major obituary of Bill.
Prof. John Wells, iama prezidanto de UEA, estos la ĉefa gasto en la
Today Jean and I went to the little town of Dollar to attend Bill's funeral.
Jen novaĵero de Aleksandr Korĵenkov, eldonisto de Ondo.
Here is a link to the obituary, written by Dr. Paul Gubbins, which appeared in The Scotsman on Friday 15th September 2006.
Forpasis Auld. La tago ŝajnas stranga
With great sadness I announce the death this morning of William Auld at the age of 81 years. He was one of the most outstanding poets and translators in the Esperanto world.
Kun granda bedaŭro mi anoncas al la Esperantistaro, ke William Auld mortis hodiaŭ je la aĝo de 81 jaroj.