Esperanto-Asocio de Skotlando


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Skota Zamenhof-festo 2011

Hodiaŭ 15 homoj partoprenis la Feston en Motherwell. Post bonega lunĉo en la hotelo Bentley Ed Robertson prelegis pri la influo de la skandinaviaj lingvoj kaj ankaŭ aldonis ion pri la vjetnama!
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Monday, November 14, 2011

SEA Zamenhof Day

Zamenhof Day in Motherwell (SEA and GES) Saturday 26 November 2011 Lunch at Bentley Hotel, High Road, 2 minutes from the railway station: 12.30 to 01.45 Price approx. £10.00 14.00 to 16.00 Holy Trinity Church Hall, Avon Street: approx. 5 minutes from station Zamenhof cake, extras and a festive glass Programme Viking influence on English and Scots (Ed Robertson) Zamenhof and Denmark (various) Suggested donation: £3.50 Please contact Jean Bisset by 23 November latest, If you wish Lunch: 01698 263199 or